Participants of the initiative in Ukraine.

”Trypillya Culture”

State historical and cultural reserve.

Time period: 5th – 4th centuries BC

Activities: scientific research, archaeological expeditions, exhibitions, presentation of monuments.

Location: Legedzeno, Cherkasy region.

“Davniy Plisnesk" cultural reserve

Historical and cultural reserve.

Time period: 7th – 13th centuries 

Activities: scientific research, archaeological expeditions, archaeo-experiments, construction of an open-air museum.

Location: Pidhirtsi, Lviv region.


Historical and cultural reserve "Tustan"

State historical and cultural reserve.

Time period: 12th – 14th centuries and early 20th century.

Activities: scientific research, profile, popular science events, exhibitions.

Location: Urych, Lviv region.


The Kamianets-Podilskyi Historical Museum Reserve.

State historical and cultural reserve.

Time period: 12th – 18th centuries, special focus on 16th – 17th centuries. 

Activities: scientific research, popular science events, exhibitions.

Location: Kamianets-Podilskyi, Khmelnytskyi region.


Manevytskyi Museum of Local Lore.

Cultural centre.

Time period: 13th century

Activities: research, public outreach.

Location: c. Manevichi, Volyn region.



Davnii Halych National Reserve.

Historical and cultural reserve with a complex of sites.

Time period: 11th – 17th centuries 

Activities: research, popular science events, exhibitions.

Location: Halych, Ivano-Frankivsk region.



Pechersk Hundred of the Kyiv Register Regiment.

Organization of historical reenactors.

Time period: 17th century.

Activities: research, reproduction of personal costumes, household items, weapons, ancient technologies, crafts, cuisine, organization of popular science events.

Location: Kyiv and Lviv



Department of Culture and Tourism of the Executive Committee of the Korosten City Council.

State body of self-government.

Time period: 5th – 10th centuries.

Activities: development of cultural tourism, organization of educational events.

Location: Korosten, Zhytomyr region.

"Zvyahel Museum of Local Lore".

Cultural centre.

Time period:  2nd 1st millennium BC, 10th – 13th centuries.

Activities: scientific research, planning the construction of an open-air museum, development of cultural tourism.

Location: Zviagel, Zhytomyr region.


Kamianets - Podilsk National University named after I. Ohienko

Faculty of History

Time period:   II- I BC.

Activities: scientific research, planning the construction of an open-air museum, development of cultural tourism.

Location: Kamianets-Podilskyi, Khmelnytskyi region.


Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

State institution

Time period: All periods

Activities: scientific research, archaeological expeditions, educational activities.

Location: Kyiv.

Representatives of the initiative:  PhD Andrii Petrauskas.

Stupak Alina Vitalyivna (Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic)

Ihor Butsky.

Oleksiy Pototsky.






Association of representatives of historical reenactors.

Time period: Ukrainian Rus, 10th – 15th centuries

Activity: research and presentation of crafts in a popular science format.

Location: Kyiv.



State historical and cultural reserve "Trachtemyriv".

Cultural centre.

Time period: 7th – 2nd centuries BC, 3rd century BC – 2nd century AD, Rus period and 16th – 17th centuries. 

Activities: scientific, excursion activities.

Location: Kaniv district, Cherkasy region.

NGO of historical reenactment "Ostvytsia"

Public space

Covered period: IX-XIII centuries.

Activities: historical reenactmant, research and development of ancient boat building, ancient crafts, creation of a park of historical reconstruction in the city of Rivne.

Location: Rivne.

Covered period: IX-XIII centuries.
Activities: historical reconstruction, research and development of ancient boat building, ancient crafts and crafts, creation of a park of historical reconstruction in the city of Rivne.
Location: city of Rivne

Historical and cultural reserve "Ancient Zvenyhorod".

Municipal Institution of Lviv Regional Council "Administration of Ancient Zvenyhorod Heritage Site" 

Covered period: XI-XIІІ st., XVI-XVIII st.

Activities: exhibitions, popular science events, educational programs for children and adults, scientific researches, introduction of modern technologies in presentation of archaeological heritage

Location: Zvenigorod, Lviv region.